Thursday, October 21, 2004

mild qualification

Just wanted to add one more thing. I published without reading the thing over, and when I did read it over I didn't like part of it. Lest you have the impression that I am a construction manager, or anything remotely approaching it, I am most certainly not. I am completely on the bottom, and while I am working for the company managing the overall constrcution, and therefore in charge of all of the many sub-contractors, I have no specific trade, and they could care less how well you can write when all they want you to do is move dirt around with a shovel. I'll blab about how I see construction as a paralell organization structure to the military some other time.


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8:25 PM  
Blogger elmota7ta said...

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6:29 PM  
Blogger elmota7ta said...

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مظلات جدة
مظلات وسواتر جدة

6:30 PM  
Blogger elmota7ta said...

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شركة تركيب غرف نوم صيني بالرياض

6:32 PM  
Blogger elmota7ta said...

تشبيك الاراضي والمزارع
هناجر صناعية وزراعية
مظلات مسابح
حداد مظلات
شبوك زراعيه
مظلات سيارات
مظلات لكسان
نجار شرق الرياض
فني تركيب غرف نوم ايكيا بالرياض
شركة تركيب ورق جدران بالرياض

6:36 PM  
Blogger menna said...

الامانة كلين
تنظيف بالبخارام القيوين
شركة نظافة فى ام القيوين
شركة تنظيف فى ام القيوين

2:20 PM  

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