Sunday, November 21, 2004

another day, another half dollar

things were boring last week, and I managed to lock a set of important keys inside a decaying apartment building, and they were the only keys that would fit that building, and the archdioscese didn't have any spares. This must have seemed like it was an action perpetrated in revenge, because prior to my losing the keys, I had been struggling with the shopvac--filled to brim with insulation, but I didn't know that yet--and was lamenting the fact, in my head, that I had become a construction worker only to vacuume offices. At least the office was in the middle of being demolished. But so I had gotten this shop vac out of the east attic, which can only be accessed from the roof, I had wrapped and twirled up the various cords and hoses as best I could and dragged it around the roof, almost falling to my death a few times (that's an exaggeration, OSHA, I swear!). Dennis was on the scaffold, and the idea of trying to move that vac down the stairs was impssoble, and there was a well wheel, so , you know i used it. The entire time I lowered the vac, I was plagued with the everpresent mental images of throwing myself from these great heights, these images that always appear to me. I've thought about it, and it's not a suicidal urge or something, but rather some kind of bizarre phobia that has been with me my entire life; I used to be terrifically scared of heights, to the point where when I went with my family to prettyboy resevoir dam I would run around bent over, so as not to see over the edge. I was able to surmount my fear of hights, because what it was I experienced was not vertigo, but rather as I would near and edge, see the bottom of the canyon, river, whatever, my mind would flood with looping images of me free falling through space, me running and launching my self, me flying. Problem was, all of this great flying imagery was seconded by lots of hard hitting, splat stuff, and that was what my fear of heights derived from. I don't know, perhaps this happens to lots of people, but it still happens to me, I just sorta ignore it, and avoide spending too much time looking down. but so I got the shop-vac down, and hauled it around two city blocks to that office in the condemed apartment office building that the archdioscese desperately wants to explode so that they can have a better view of the mount vernon park center, but can't quite justify destroying since it would cost them close to 2 million dollars in tax credits from the historic registry or something. I got that damned vac into the office, with the sole key to the building, and in a move that foreshadows how horrible my old age will be, I placed the keys on the table, instead of thinking to put them into my pants pocket. well teh duct cowboys, who have been looking at everything that is not chained down on teh jobsite with great hunger, borrowed the vac previously, and now it most certainly could not suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, not like it's little 6 horse power engine used to. well that kind pisses me off, so I leave to find some kind of authority figure to complain to--as a new guy, you aren't expected to be competent or intelligent, though I am generally both, and so if you desire to waste time, you can look for various bosses to solve a problem that you could easily solve yourself, and in the process waste 15 minutes walking around and not thinking abotu stuff and etc. Except in this case, my little time wasting maneuver was in fact a bad idea, since I left the keys. I was crowned noodlehead king by george, and chad told me to stand on teh corner and think about what I'd done wrong. He was joking, but then again, I ended up standing on the corner waiting for them later to find tools to BandE the building with. I somewhat redeemd myself by pointing how with and adjustable wrence and a big screwdriver we could break in through the front door without breaking windows or calling locksmiths, but they still made me feel that the the latter half of last week.

Since I am in american now, thanksgiving is next week. That is a good thing, mostly, and I am greatly pleased that I only have to work 3 days to get paid for 5 this week. very good. too bad it involves a long car drive to suburban ohio, i'd much rather spend my time off boozing in toronto at einsteins and the dance cave, but it's not a choice for me to make.

listen to the wrens, they are good. they are also from new jersey.


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