Tuesday, January 11, 2005

oh girl, you have no faith in medicine

funny tidbit about where I live:

nothing really changes much, except I'm becoming more austere with myself and have tried/decided to make the following changes:

*I've stopped smoking at the job. (this was going well for a week, until today, which sucked, and I broke and bought smokes)
*I'm taking the metro into work everyday. this will save gas for two reasons; one, I won't be driving very far during the week, and two, they parking attendant downtown who has been siphoning my gas daily will no longer be able to do so.
*I take a thermos, and some boring morning snack with me from the house, as well as pack my lunch, so as to save more money. oh yes. While this greatly decreases the excitement and quality of my day, it will save me upwards of 100USD a month, or more.

we'll see if this frees up any more money, because i owe like a bunch of people and places a bazillion dollars and shit, and shit's getting me down, yo.

my mom jokingly bought me a duct tape wallet that is a canadian flag, which of course is so fucking funny, but I thought, it's just so crazy it might work... and I mean it's ridicuolous garishness doesn't hurt. It is also a conversation starter, with a cute arts-student-cashier asking me if I am a canadian , and the gas-siphoning parking attendent wacko thinking that I had a pretty swank british flag on my wallet. I was going to correct him, but then I thought, well they do have the damed queen on their money, and they say things all funny, and there are parking signs in halifax that say by order of her royal highness on them, so fuck it, they can be british too. yay commonwealth!

I've been reading "Under the Banner of Heaven," which is the most recent krakauher book (I know I speel badly, fuck you). It's fantastic. Mormons are so incredibly weird. if you know any, please point and make pod people noises when you see them, as they belong to a fast growing spiritual cancer. oh that was perhaps too harsh, sure there are nice mormons too, and the book is mostly about morman fundamentalists, who take as 'spiritual lives' 13 years old nieces because they think they're cute and 'god sent them a revalation' but as a faith, they believe in some really weird shit. but then again, if you think about it in that way, so does every other religion, they've just crawled out of some ancient darkness, so they trick us into thinking they make more sense. I mean excuse me, why, when I am born, am I bad, sinning person. Fuck that original sin shit.

new bands/albums that have been keeping me alive:
Interpol's newest; Antics. Wilco;Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, A Ghost is Born. Spoon. The New Pornographers. Both Weakerthans albums, though I really like Left and Leaving better. Decemberists. Anything by the Wrens. As always, Alpha. The new Franz Ferdinand, or should I say the only, is good, although I guess I'm way way behind the curve on that one. Death Cab for Cutie is fantastic, as is the splinterfaction Postal Service. Elliot Smith for when I want to feel really miserable. The Get Up Kids keep keeping me smiling (thanks for that one Reta). Starting to get into Nick Drake, not that I wasn't before, but I hadn't really heard his music. Guided by Voices (thanks Brent, and really, Brent's responsible for the Decemberists). trying out a band called British Sea Power, who seem pretty good, but I have to get used to the lead singer, theres kinda an unfortunate nick cave thing going on with him. Dismemberment Plan. My brother hooked me up with a bunch of these bands, so heres to you kid.

thats all for now. the muse has left me.

as my friend alan used to say; sleep tight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. you CAN still drive to work - you just need to learn a few tricks of the trade - like coasting in on empty and filling up your tank just before you leave (one flaw - you'll have to use that thermos for gasoline....but hell, it can be better than most instant coffees)

2. i also resent the doctrine of original sin - i worked long and hard to get this way and i'm supposed to accept that everyone is just born with it! hmph.

3. toronto misses you - by order of her royal highness.

love adriana

11:14 PM  

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