Saturday, January 15, 2005

oh that professor patrick

in keeping with charle's recording of professor patrick quotes, I have something to add. not quotes, but my own notes from a session of his fourth year english seminar on renaissance lit; mimesis and representation. I found it in a notebook I am using for my career coaching:

holy shit. Nurmeen Lives! that goth girl just made a sad clown face, she looks so sad. why? I suppose I look like that but moreso of a harried, tired look. exasperated, rundown. For no really good reason. This girl is two people. Dr. Patrick. I wonder if he uses that honorific... somehow, I doubt it.
I wish I could videotape this shit. It would be funny to watch later, high, or something.

so much theory in this class, so little meat and potatoes. Holy Shit. active and inactive. HOORAY!!!!
this is so ridiculous (scratched out stuff) BUZZWORDS
full of sound and fury , but signifying nothing fucking drama students. Nicely done though.
then I tallied how many times patrick used the following three words:
Subjectivity: 7
Division: 6
Representation: 7
Later I find a list of words, presumably used in class, that I find somewhat overused for no purpose. I think I added some of my own to the end:

divisions, doublness, tropes, pastiche, authorship, representation, subjectivity, mimesis, exegisis, tautology, doctrinaire, platitude, ideology, idyllic, prosaic, banality, provincial (with the funny french c thing), gastronomic, dyspeptic, charry, to aver, defenstration, high society, the "good" life, practicing to die, wanting to die, a little bit.

I don't really know what that was, but that is what I did in college, instead of learn. jesus. HAHAHA.


Blogger Chas said...

The really sad part is that he starts to get into your head, to the point where you are using idyllic, tropes, and mimesis in sentences, and you're not sure why.

I really hope that someone has educated Professor, or 'Doctor' Patrick on the art of photoshop, so that he no longer believes that he has killed his children.

I have a class on the uncanny tomorrow morning. That should be the source of much glee.

7:50 PM  

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