Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Dynamic Calories

I actually got some comments last time, one from chas, who is ever the dutiful reader, and a nice anonymos one, followed by this one:

Anonymous said...

Great Blog! Ilike it.But here you can find woman looking for sexTake a look if you have a minute. Thanks and have a good one!

8:25 PM

wow! cool! Cheating Housewives. As an english major I have to say that really the website should be called 'women looking for sex' since the site loudly proclaims the following:

Here are 120,000 cheating wives yearning for a sex affair

Fuck love, these bangin ass coochies just want sex! That is definitely enough cheating wives to justify the use of the plural, women.

things are chuggin along in ohioland, maybe I'll be employed soon, and maybe in the proper field, but since I just wrote that, I'm sure I will be forced to eat my words and work as a male stripper, which is going to be progressively harder since my grandmother's cooking plus my sedentary lifestyle is doing unthinkable things to my once-svuelte waistline (ha I kid, it was never svuelte.)

I have to say on the case of Caught in the Traps v. Im over here now (sic), I easily find for the defendant. The offending post should be removed, and if the plaintiff was intelligent, he might consider biting his tongue, cancelling his useless harangue against a nice woman who has nothing to do with him, and abandoning his silly interest in offending people. it may have had a place in high school, maybe even in parts of college, but it is not a behavior that will endear him to many as he continues to age. Hell, I know this ain't gonna happen, but if he was really smart, he might consider an apology. sorry, it was a silly inside college joke that has nothing to do with you, etc. oh well enought about that. (on a side note it does appear the post was edited to have the nasty stuff removed. what remains is just critisism of how the star organizes it's business section, and while it's not a topic that matters much to me, it doesn't have to, and isn't gross offending for the sake of offending.)

k done with the moralizing. LOLZ!!!!11

Talked to a friend who's traversing the distance between Irkutsk and Moscow by train, and WHAT A RIDE SHE's HAD! sounds like lots of 'fines' to keep the policia happy, and good scenery. maybe a samovar or two in the dining car. maybe not.

Also, The contents of Karl Rove's Garage (pronounced GAIR-AIGE)
dudes, of course he doesn't have time to organize his garage! he's busy outing CIA operatives and fighting indictments... I think if, somehow miraculously, these guys all got indictied and had to resign, they should make a reality TV show of all of them. It can just be them drinking Jim Bean and playing Poker. Rove, Cheney, DeLay, Frist, maybe throw a bush daughter in for some skin and Harriet Miers as the chiding schoolmarm... I don't know, could be good! along these lines, Leave It TO BUSH! (good indie music, weird dialogue. first and third are best,although theyu do a good cosby impersonation in the middle)

rediscovered Naughty By Nature's Hip Hop Hooray after seeing Ellen Degeneres dancing to it the other day on public access (don't ask why I was watching that. I don't know) Great song. brings back memories of being a pretend wigger kid in 4th grade, listening to the Hip Hop/R&B station and making shitty mixtapes. It does me as kinda funny that good ol gay as all get out Ellen would be dancing around to this song, full of nice lyrics like 'my names grafitti written on your kitten' 'I did your partner cuz she's hot as a baker, not cuz I hate ya' etc. etc. what does all that mean, eh?

Got halfway through Ian McEwan's Atonement until I realized that the conflict revolves around a nice guy getting improperly accused of raping a 12yo little girl ( I was going to just put LG, after reading a really scary weekend web at SA that details the goings on on a pedo board, but I can't take the chance that someone would misconstrue my usage of the term as something other than a saracastic in joke that only my brother would get, and he doesn' teven read htis thing, so what am I rambling on for anyway!), at which point I sidelined it and picked up Mailer's The Naked and The Dead, which promises much violence, foul language and good ol brotherly WWII camaraderie. mmmm much better.

My poor laptop is entering it's 'twilight years' the screen ain't as bright as it used to be, the soundcard buzzes sometimes, my version of windows keeps loosing features and I can't replace them, and of course, my favorite symptom: when it has to think hard, it eventually pops the cd-rom tray out, as if it's just metaphorically lost control of it's bladder. this was kinda funny for a while, but now it happens about ever thirty minutes, and it's getting to be a tiresome little game.

updated my website, www.titusdesigns.us, to include recent projects and new resumes.

also an article in the Baltimore Sun that describes some paintings that I had a part in uncovering, (I literally uncovered them with a circ saw and a hammer, but I can't claim it was my idea. I was just the, uhh, muscle.)

that's it for now. need to discover topics to write about instead of this lazy recounting of the mundane features of my life.

take care.


Blogger Chas said...

I thought becoming a male stripper was your chosen field

2:42 PM  
Blogger NWJR said...

This post freakin' cracks me up.

Good stuff.

10:01 AM  

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