Tuesday, February 01, 2005

oh, how I Love you, in the evening, when you are sleeping.

rush rush rush rush. no, I like to take things slow, sometimes. slow hands, if you will.

I've begun to learn how to play Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect on my classical guitar, which is satisfying a little. I keep rereading books I've already read, which while a safe bet, is also kind of moving backwards. I try and reread books that reward further readings, and hope that at least in that, I can say that, you know, I'm getting more stuff out of them or something. I mean isn't that what aeriodite people do, reread books hundreds of times?

I broke my wooden hammer last week, and replaced it at Sears, as they have a hammer for a hammer policy. So I handed over my worn wooden hammer, with Thor branded on the side, and picked up a metal hammer with a rubber grip. I liked my old hammer better, but this new one is heavier, so it's basically more useful to me, because honestly, a big guy like me can't be seen plinking away at shit with a dinky little 16 ouncer.

As always nothing really changes around here, things are mostly the same. I'm working on something that may change all that, but I'm not going to talk about that just yet, as I don't want to jinx myself too much, and I don't want it in the public memory yet. ha! what public. The area I live in is populated with only jewish people, and around here, that means I'm outside the circle. It's either hot jappy girls, or frumpy regular girls, and I'm totally outside their gene pool, so I don't register. I know that's not really true or anything, but I'm going to pretend it is, for now.

I cleaned my room really well this weekend, as I do most weekends, as my sunday cleansing ritual. coupled with a shower and lots of laundry, it adds up to a lot of cleansing.

Now for something construction related. there was an InTouch in the booth at lunch, leftover from the female security guards at night. I looked like a fag (please pardong me, any people of the gay persuasion, I simply use the term to explain what they'd call me for reading a celeb magazine.) for reading it, but I'll be damned if I'm going to read carroll county times again. and they had huge sections on debunking or confirming celebrity rumors. mostly stuff like is so and so fucking so and so, and how. but they had really weird shit too like "Does Mariah Carey think Maryiln Monroe is Haunting her Piano?" the verdict? NO. it's so terrible the stuff in that magazine, or the hundreds of others like it. It's like a really base form of human existence. How is Jennifer Coping, does she need 'alone' time, did Brad cheat? How is she going to fill her giagantic room/shower in their Mansion?

Also, the company we use for plumbing and ductwork has been having trouble finding plumbing work recently, so they have a bunch of plumber dudes who don't really have work. Well Lee, the 'Lead Plumber' had them all sent down to the basilica to help the ductmen, which in the eyes of the plumbers is only slightly better than being laid off.

So anyway, these plumbers are mighty pissed at having to work with the scum-sucking, fuckbrains that are the ductment. So one of them starts to write nasty epithets in the port-o-johns or whatever to the effect of "Lee is a no good mother fucker." "Fuck Lee and his mother" "Lee likes to blow men" etc. The guy comes and exchanges the spot-a-pots for new ones, well no sooner than he leaves there are new things up on the walls. The first reads:" It's a new pot, but Lee is still a no good gay ass motherfucker." Lee has a Mrs. Chavez somewhere, but we never hear about her, so his sexuality is still mostly in the air to me, but unlike another guy on the site, who lives with a "roomate" named Jim, and is nearing 50, who comes in the morning complaining about how much is ass hurts, Lee has never given any sign of being either homosexual, or as the rest of the comments say, a no good motherfucker. well maybe he's a bit of a no good motherfucker, but thats besides the point, almost everyone that works there is a no good motherfucker, except me of course, obviously.

Anyway, my real bone to pick here (uhh really I didn't intend any puns or anything) is with the second, new, comment. It reads something like this: "Lee likes to Lick manly Giant Cock and rub hairy balls on his gum." Now there is a slight problem with this statment, if you assume two things: a.) it was written out of malice, and not stating a happy fact, and b.) the author was a contruction worker. This is because, if it is meant as an insult, it very neatly insults every macho motherfucker on the job, which pretty much includes everyone, again, except for me. obviously.

Lee likes to suck 'manly' cock, but doesn't that imply that they guy getting his cock sucked is both manly and gay? I suppose not, because as in John Water's movie, Pecker, where a strip-club dancer is caught by his parents tea-bagging a gay man and defends himself by saying "Mom, I'm not Gay, I'm Trade; Queers blow me!" one may get a blowjob from a man and not technically want to fuck them or whatever, but it's one of those grey areas I've never really figured out, or wanted to figure out, for that matter. That aside, the author of the comment is associating the quality of being manly with being homosexual, not exlcusively, but he is at least admitting to the idea that men may be manly and homosexual, a concept that is really outside of the average construction worker's mental capacity. Manly men enjoy blowjobs from the lead plumber. Am I stretching this too far? I don't know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice sitehairy balls

2:52 AM  

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