Monday, May 16, 2005

and what can I get for ten dollah, anyting you want!

wow, I haven't put anything on here in like three months. I won't make excuses, I was bored of it a bit, and I was being to whiney and melodamatic, and whenever I actually notice myself being that way, I cut my self off.

still rocking the carhartts and doing construction. I've been working six day weeks actually because for better or worse I purchased a nine hudred USD mountain bike on ebay a week or two ago, and I need to figure out how to pay for it. it's a 2k4 Klein Attitude XV, which as it turns out is a totally sweet bike. I'm excited.

check out the artist M.I.A. If you like the idea of a really good looking sri lankan girl beating sean paul and his cronies at their own game on the dancehall floor, all while adding lyrics about terrorism and gold diggers in a dizzie-rascal-esque british brogue, than this may be for you. As the pitchfork guy, or the guy pretending to be a pitchfork guy said, Roll over and die Britney, this is the new pop, and IT ROCKS. yeah.

Read the moviegoer, at Rory's behest, and it was very good. I can see why he likes it, the main character liteally is talking to a person named rory, so his name is all over that book. but it's a good image of like middleclass suburban malaise, the kind of life full of money but nothing else, and the search, as the character calls it, which I read as something philosohpical or metaphysical. I'm starting into In Cold Blood, and it's really good so far, though I'm only about 20 pages in.

I got very angry at my boss a couple weeks ago and told him to fuck off, to let me finish what I was doing and called him a condscending prick. well luckily the guy had a sense of humor about it. and he really was being a condescending prick, which I think he realized, so I didn't get in any trouble, but I noticed today that there is a new bit of art on the bathroom wall. it's a picture of my boss with a dictionary in his lap, looking up condescending, and instead of condescending it's conner-sending. I finally made the wall! and not in a bad context! whoever made that is a clever dude. I think it must be an electrician.

I worked over the weekend with this 50ish carpenter dude down on his luck, and he started out his introductory speech when he met me about how bad his day had been. He hd seen his neice, who looked like a runway model, in his brother's stolen truck. she was strung out on heroin and this guy called the cops and got her locked up but he felt kinda bad because she was his neice and stuff, but since she was pregnant it was probably better that she was off the heroin in jail, because when it was just the one year old, that was ok, but pregnant isn't so good, and you know what man? she is so hot, damn, and I mean theres nothing she wouldn't do for me for some heroin, [wink]. [shudder on my part.] scumbag. and that was just the beginning, he went on to describe his numerous drug expereinces and at one point he's talking about smoking hash in europe, so I lamely ask 'were you in amsterdam?' and he goes 'heh, no, but surpsrisingly I was with this amsterdam whore once and I was going down on her and I stopped and asked about how much I should pay and she said John, you don't have to pay me anything I feel so good, just keep doing that and I did!' [shudder, again]. I mean wow. I'm not a prude or anything, and I'm really really fucking wide open compared to the conservative dudes I work with, but this was kinda too much. I mean to tell me about how he fucks his neice in exhange for heroin and then his story about giving head to a amsterdam whore, who was really 'perty' by the way, just seemed a little too open. Who knows, maybe I'm really gullible and this guys likes to spin tales. But he did this shit all day, and did it in front of everyone, and he got fired from his last two jobs for drugs, which is why he is now a temp carpenter, so I'm inclined to believe him.

in quick summary of my life ordinaire in baltimore, nothign much has changed. I picked my brother up in mich from school, saw wolf eyes (sucked) and animal collective (partially sucked due to loud noises) and have been uhh, doing not much else in my spare time. I still go to my guitar lessons, I still clean my room most sundays, I still smoke and I have switched from the winter scotch to spring and summer vodka tonics and gin and tonics. breezy times. the weather is awsome, my house looks like a botanical garden, thanks to my wacky parents, and I'm starting to make some mild headway against my terrible fincancial habits. Alex Orwin will be in DC at the end of may, and Rory will be back in TO in late June early July.

on a happy note, I am off friday to go to ohio to see my great-great-aunt who is turning 100 on saturday. fantastic. I saw her a month ago at a funeral and she's sharp as a tack. knows exactly what my brother and I are doing, even though we are not close relations, and creepily has a picture of me and my ex girlfriend from like three years ago. I have no idea how she got it. it was in one of those grandma rooms that are nothing but wall to wall pictures. It kinda made me feel bad, but not for long. It's weird, I mostly don't think about that girl at all anymore, but everyonce and a while she'll just be there in my head and it will be like that song that you can't get out of your head. can be kinda annoying at work where it sucks. oh well, TO THE FUTURE EVERYONE!

also heard a new bit of slang for a homosexual on the jobsite; they call 'em Swordfighters (ex. Conor: Bill is so gay it hurts. Chad: Yep, he's definitely a swordfigher. he just doesn't know it yet.)

which reminds me of some hilarious stories from teh salon that go to here, in the gayborhood, but I'll save that for later...


Blogger Chas said...

Welcome Back, Conor

6:40 PM  

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