Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I think I might have inhaled you, I can feel you behind my eyes

it's funny how things tend to work. After all that self-pity in the last couple posts, after all my desperation in the last couple days over whether I'd find a job soon enough to make my next car payment, I get a job. Even more interesting, it's back in baltimore, so I'll be moving back to maryland, from ohio. And I might even be able to keep the residency intact, provided I do the right thin vis-a-vis tax returns. It's the ideal job for me at the moment; it's working for an architecture firm, I'll be learning autoCAD, helping with graphics, taking photos, measuring sites, doing all kinds of things really, and the pay's better than what I had last year, plus a stipend to purchase healthcare. And my employers, who I have known for quite some time, have no problem with me going to school in june. I still feel like it might all dissapear if I say to much about it or rely on it too much right now, so thats all I'm gonna say.

but I am over the hump. It took me about a year or so to get over college, to turn my focus from each day to the future, but I feel so much more focused and cohoerent now. I'm not scattered all the time like I was last year. So after all the mediocre melodrama that I post, things seem to be going well this time.



Blogger deraz said...

قمر الامارات
شركة مكافحة حشرات راس الخيمة
تتعهد دائما بان نقدم لكم كل ماهو جديد فى شتى مجالات التنظيف وان نكون دائما عند حسن ظنكم وان نسعى جاهدين لنيل رضاكم
شركة مكافحة الرمة راس الخيمة

6:35 PM  

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