Psychotic American

After transplanting to the midwest, then rejecting that transplant and returning to the coast, I am finally accepting a new transplant to the midwest in the form of grad school in ohio. what. a. fuckin. relief.
God bless the daylight, the sugary smell of springtime
remembering when you were mine in a still suburban town
When every Thursday, I'd brave those mountain passes
and you'd skip your early classes and we'd learn how our bodies worked
God damn the black night, with all its foul temptations
I've become what I always hated when I was with you then
We looked like giants in the back of my grey subcompact
fumbling to make contact as the others slept inside
and together there in a shroud of frost, the mountain air
began to pass through every pane of weathered glass
and I held you closer than anyone would ever get
Do You Remember the J.A.M.C. and reading aloud from magazines
I don't know about you but I swear on my name they could smell it on me
But I've never been to good with secrets... ohh...
Oh together there in a shroud of frost, the mountain air
began to pass through every pane of weathered glass
and I held you closer...
day five, second week. I didn't update last week, because I didn't want to. I don't really want to now, but I'm going to do it anyway because I want to try and use this thing a little bit.
first off-- I'm working in the Basilica, and the power tool that I have had most contact with is Bosch Hammer-Drill. Now we also have Hilti and DeWalt Hammer Drills, but they are much more badass and larger, and so up to now, I have only had access to the little guy. I am told that I will be able to use the Hilti tomorrow though, since my current task is becoming increasingly impossible and dangerous with the little bosch hammer thingy. I spent essentially all of today after morning break cuting a hole in the ceiling of the crypt/vault place under the alter. Basically I'm demo-ing a portion of ceiling that the pope has stood on while doing a service and delivering delicious eucharist… mmmm good. The plaster was simple and fell off, but the two layers of vaulted brick took me the entire day to chip through and as I reached what was supposed to be a ‘void’ under the marble, i.e. a big empty pocket space, it turned out that instead of a void, I instead had a foot of two hundred year old concrete and asbestos laden pipes to deal with. So my boss of bosses revived the plan, tomorrow I get to actually sit on the alter, while poor catholic worshipers are trying to pray up front, and drill a shitload of holes down through the marble and into the room below, where I was working. This is a. very cool to be doing this kind of stuff in that kind of place and b. great because none of the stuff will be dropping all over my head, face and body. It was great fun because I needed a mask to combat the hundreds of plaster, concrete and brick particles I was creating, and then also a hard hat to deal with the falling bricks, and then safety classes to protect against the aforesaid dust. That was all well and good, and I was thankful to have that shit. But I could in no way get the dust mask right so that my hot, moist breath would leave through the filter, instead of through the top and into my glasses. The result is that I was effectively blind the whole time, so I’d drop the glasses, decide which brick I was going to chip away at for a half hour, and then put the glasses back on and hammer somewhat blindly at the brick. It was really swell. Oh well enough of that.
Hmm. Where do I begin?
Well, to start with, I realize that having one of these things automatically characterizes you as a bit of a wanker, but I never keep a personal journal, so I'm going to do this instead. It won't be as personal perhaps, as a private journal, but I might *actually* update this thing once in a while, and it can hopefully chronical a bunch of stories that I might otherwise forget.
To set the stage: I didn't get a job in
I'm a college graduate in an english major, but for some reason, have no inclination to try and teach english, or write in a professional sense. I guess you could say that I liked being in a major where I got grades to read good books... IN any case, I wasn't going to look into English careers. I have also worked in the Information Technology world quite a bit for someone my age who doesn't specialize it, and have done a variety of commercial webpage projects to pay for my sometimes expensive habits. You wouldn't have guessed that because I'm using a really basic blogger template, but that's not because I like it, but more because I'm tired and can't be bothered to make my own customized page right now. I liked technology work a bit, but outside of website design, I only really liked it because provided a nice paycheck. Long story short, after having worked in a variety of technology office jobs, I wanted to avoid that like the plague. That left box stores, as far as jobs I could get. I dropped off an app at REI, but somehow missed the hiring deadline--at least that's what I tell myself--by accident and didn't get offered anything. I'm getting tired of exposition though so here's what happened: My mother got me an interview with a prominent local construction company with the view to becoming a construction manager. I met with them, thought about the whole unknown enterprise, and accepted the offer.
Fast forward to today. I’m three days old on the job. They started me on The Basilica. Or, rather, The Basilica of the Assumption of Mary the Blessed Virgin, but that’s a god-awful mouthful, so you see why I want to abbreviate. It is a two hundred year old Catholic Cathedral, and in fact, it is the first Catholic Cathedral in the States. It’s a twenty million dollar project, which is fairly big, and they are redoing everything. I consider myself lucky to have been put on this as my first job, since they could have shunted me off onto some bland jobsite in the suburbs, and this one is so much more historically interesting…